Displaying 1 - 24 of 24
Addresses Address text or point annotation for legal parcels of land in West Vancouver.
Buildings Building footprint polygons in West Vancouver categorized as residential, multifamily, commercial, industrial, institutional, churches and schools with secondary structures like garages. Estimated ground and roof elevations are also included.

The building layer was compiled by McElhanney Ltd in 2016 using ortho imagery and LiDAR data. DWV GIS will maintain this data going forward. Major developments have been added to the inventory but not all newer residential construction has been captured since 2016.
Business Licences Currently active business licences
Contours 1m Contour intervals generated from 2018 LIDAR. Field names in this feature class allow for selection of 5m, 10m, 20m and 100m intervals.
FGDB (1.7GB)
SHP (1.2GB)
Rights of Way This data set consists of polygons representing Right of Ways, Covenants, Easements and Air Space Parcels in West Vancouver. The data has been drawn from legal plans using bearing and distance or metes and bounds documents.
Cycle Routes Linear representation of cycle routes in the District of West Vancouver
Firemap_TPK Tile package of Fire Related layers built for Mobile Application
Hillshade Hillshade derived from Lidar (2018)
TIF format
LIDAR 2013 - Classified Vegetation 2013 Classified LAS files
Vertical Datum CGVD28
Vegetation Classes: Low (0-2m), Medium (2-8m), High (>8m)
LIDAR 2018 - Bare Earth 2018 Bare Earth LAS files
Vertical Datum CGVD28
LIDAR 2018 - Classified Vegetation 2018 Classified LAS files
Vertical Datum CGVD28
Vegetation Classes: Low (0-2m), Medium (2-8m), High (>8m)
Ortho 2011 Orthoimagery 2011 - developed area only
ECW format
Ortho 2016 Orthoimagery 2016 - developed area only
ECW format
Ortho 2018 Orthoimagery 2018 - developed and alpine area
ECW format
Ortho 2018 TIFF Reduced Orthoimagery 2018 - District of West Vancouver
Reduced TIFF format
(957 MB)
Ortho 2020 Orthoimagery 2020 - developed and alpine area
ECW format
Parcels Parcel polygons drawn from legal plan using bearing and distance or metes and bounds descriptions with minor (COGO) adjustments to form a composite map of West Vancouver. The associated data (i.e. Address, Street Name, PID, Folio etc.) comes from the District's property database (Tempest).
Parks Park Polygon defined by the legal boundaries of West Vancouver's dedicated and/or protected park land.
Roads Centerline A linear representation of roads within the District of West Vancouver segmented by intersection with street names, hundred blocks, jurisdiction and road class.
Utilities Sanitary The sanitary network data for West Vancouver consists of sanitary mains, force mains, manholes, rodding inlets, lift stations, valve chambers, overflows catchments, services, etc. The bulk of the sanitary system has been entered from engineering as-built drawings. Some infrastructure has also been added to the system with information collected at onsite visits using a GPS unit.
Utilities Storm The storm network data for West Vancouver consists of storm mains, manholes, catch basins, services, culverts, creeks, ditches, inspection chambers, rain gauges etc. The bulk of the storm system has been entered from engineering as-built drawings. Some infrastructure has also been added to the system with information collected at onsite visits using a GPS unit.
Street Names Street name text or point annotation for named roads and streets in West Vancouver.
Utilities Water The water network data for West Vancouver consists of water mains, reservoirs, hydrants, valves, pump houses, reducers, services, leads, pressure zones etc. The bulk of the water system has been entered from engineering as-built drawings. Some infrastructure has also been added to the system with information collected at onsite visits using a GPS unit.
Zoning Boundaries Zoning polygons defined by West Vancouver's Zoning Bylaw, 4662, 2010, which regulates land use and physical change within the municipality.